פאק עכשיו גיליתי שהשיר Ad A Dglgmut של BTBAM הוא על נויז. אני קראתי עכשיו תפירוש של טומי לשיר ואת הליריקה שלו ופשוט ירדו לי דמעות.
אין לי מושג איפה לכתוב את זה אז שמתי את זה כאן, כי זה סוג של פיס נראה לי...
This song is a dedication to noise. Noise can be anything in our natural
environment. It’s the same concept that the musical Stomp speaks of: music
can become beautiful from anything in nature. Heavy music to the normal
person is nothing but an annoyance, but to those who really listen to it
understand how amazing and beautiful songs can become no matter how noisy
they seem. The first section of the song I don’t actually sing any lyrics, I just
scream (noise) random bullshit, that influenced the last line “you can’t follow
me, you sing along to nothing”. The song title is actually a random message
our old guitarist nick wrote in my phone and being a made up word I thought it
would fit nicely with the idea of noise.
זה בול הגישה שלי לנויז... באמת שזה ז'אנר שכלכך לא ראוי לכל ההעלבות והירידות עליו. לצערי הז'אנר הוא מושא לצחוק אצל אנשים שפשוט לא מבינים אותו ולא רואים את היופי וכנראה מתוסכלים מזה...
באמת חבל, למרות שזה לא נשמע ככה בשביל אנשים שלא מחוברים לז'אנר, זה ז'אנר עם כלכך הרבה יופי ושלווה, גם אם הוא לא שלוו בעצמו הוא מביא שלווה, לפחות בשבילי
הליריקה הזו פשוט צמררה אותי.
אף פעם לא ממש התייחסתי אליה אבל עכשיו כשקראתי ושמעתי שוב את השיר זה פשוט היה כלכך מדהים שהזלתי דמעה.
I thought it was strange when all this shot into my mind driving,
It's weird how this enclosed space makes me think so clearly...
So free!
I wish all hours were so relaxing.
Thinking of the next noise, making up the next noise.
I wish all hours were so relaxing.
Thinking of the next noise, making up the next noise.
Scream loud, loud, loud, loud, loud.
Scream loud, loud, loud, loud, loud.
Scream loud, loud.
Scream loud, loud.
Static intoxication, static intoxication.
Sing this lovely violin song.
Beat this bottle on a wall.
(Scream, scream, scream. Scream, scream, scream.)
The baby cries.
Record the noise.
(Scream, scream. Scream, scream, scream.)
It all makes sense, we're capable of beauty.
It all makes sense, we're capable of beauty.
It all makes sense, we're capable of beauty.
It all makes sense, we're capable of beauty.
Through sounds which makes one cringe.
The dogs only hear us now.
It all makes sense, we're capable of beauty.
It all makes sense, we're capable of beauty.
Through sounds which makes one cringe.
The dogs only hear us now.
For the first time tears came to my eyes while I was listening.
Noise brings so many things, make my tingling skin freeze.
For the first time tears came to my eyes while I was listening.
Noise brings so many things, make my tingling skin freeze.
Turn me on, make me laugh, shoot the can, shut the door,
Pour your glass, rape scene screams, car crash bash, black cat splat.
Turn me on, make me laugh, shoot the can, shut the door,
Pour your glass, rape scene screams, car crash bash, black cat splat.
A silent death, a silent scream.
You can't follow me, you sing along to nothing.
A silent death, a silent scream.
You can't follow me, you sing along to nothing.
You can't follow me, you sing along to nothing.
You can't follow me, you sing along to nothing.