YtseJammers Israel

אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה
עמוד 4 מתוך 17

מחבר:  YtseJam [ ה' מאי 07, 2009 2:42 pm ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

אחד נוסף ... eater.html

מחבר:  YtseJam [ א' מאי 10, 2009 8:28 am ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

לא ראיון חדש, אבל ראיון טוב מאוד של DPRP משנת 2000 עם פורטנוי לאחר צאת SFAM

מחבר:  Mars Volter [ א' מאי 10, 2009 8:31 am ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

וואו, האחים ג'ונאס יודעים מי אלה DT. כנראה שבאמת הם הפכו להיות מיינסטרים :D :D .

ולגבי תוכן הראיון - אפשר להבין מהשאלות שלמראיין אין מושג את מי הוא מראיין, וגם יש לו שאלות ממש ילדותיות:
"מפחד שייגמרו לך הרעיונות מתישהו?" ו-"אתה מנגן בגובה רב!".

מחבר:  YtseJam [ ו' מאי 15, 2009 4:10 am ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

ראיון נוסף עם פורטנוי (נראה שזה חלק א', אבל אני לא רואה בינתיים חלק ב') ... php?id=747

הפעם יש גם כמה שאלות שלא נשאלו בעבר! :)

מראיין ספרדי גרוע... מדבר במהירות האור...

תרגום ספרדית לאנגלית:
DREAM THEATER (PART I): "I wanted this album EDIT immediately via the Internet, but I did not want our hallmark." (Ie text and audio)

From where comes the inspiration to create new music of DREAM THEATER after almost twenty-five year career? Would you look at "problems" on occasion as a composer? Do you lock easily?

"It is a fear that when I started to make each of the discs in the banda. Increasingly, even the day before going to study, I think "oh, God, and if we have nothing on which to compose? And if we can not re-compose. " But when it comes to that first day of membership and we are playing our instruments in less than two hours, we have a whiteboard full of ideas and shit (laughs). Within a few hours this fear disappears to give way to my next fear: "Oh, God, how the hell we are going to put all this on a disk?" (Laughter). For the moment, and touch wood, we have not had that block as composers. Anyway, the topic of "Wither" talks about that. It is a letter from John Petrucci and talk about the deadlock that has sometimes characterized as a composer. The letters can be a problem, perhaps, but music and conceptually we have never had trouble getting ideas. In fact, DREAM THEATER true: there are always too many ideas. "

What is the lyrical content of "Black Clouds & Silver Linings then?

"The lyrics are something of John and me. I composed the four and two. With the exception of "A Rite Of Passage", everything else is based on real-life stories of both. Events and occurrences in our lives. "A Rite Of Passage" is the only exception and talk about secret societies, Freemasonry and all that. The remaining songs are inspiring stories, either as composers or blocking on anything. "The Count Of Tuscany" is a story that John wrote about a visit to a castle in Italy. There he met a count and suddenly began to panic, he thought that something was going to happen ... "A Nightmare to Remember" tells of a car accident that John was with his family when he was a child. "

"In my two songs, one is a tribute to my father, who died during the making of this record, while the other reflects the final chapters of my saga on recovery and rehabilitation of alcoholism. "

"These are the album's lyrical themes, broadly speaking. In all cases, these are dark and difficult subjects: death, death face difficulties ... hence the title, "Black Clouds & Silver Linings". All are dark themes, but each has a light at the end of the tunnel. There is always something positive to extract everything.

The band has become more aggressive musically with each album, over the past ten years. But like I said last week when we speak, this new disc is the most digestible of all the band has done in recent years.

"Honestly, this will happen with every disc. We always say 'this is going to be good' (laughs). When we record we know that the fans, or most of them are going to like, but we wonder if it will be the disc with those who are not become a fan. Whenever we think that this album is that we are most lofty way to stardom, not because we want to sell or are unhappy in your current position, but when you see a disk potential and are proud of our work, so we want the best . However, where a disc when you finish what is beyond our control. We give the disk to the company and decide how they sell it and promote it. If the public likes or dislikes something that is not within our power. "

You think that at this stage of the career of the band can do a "Pull Me Under" again and be relevant beyond the prog-metal?

"Who knows? I believe that each disc could have been a success the likes of "Pull Me Under". Can señalarte a couple of songs at least that could have been equal to or larger than "Pull Me Under". "Pull Me Under" was an anomaly of nature: it consists not hit a single. It was a matter of eight minutes and a half. It was not planned specifically for the radio commercial. On this album, "A Rite Of Passage" is as strong as "Pull Me Under" and "Wither" is as powerful as any other subject of the crossover we have composed to date. But as I said, everything that happens from now is beyond our control. "

When the band is in the studio, because you would not even planteáis the commercial success of the compositions?

"No. The only time when we did that was in 'Falling Into Infinity' was that we had no option but to make this record. Doing so was the only way to have the green light to move forward with this record. We had to play the game of the record and that's what almost broke the banda, which is documented thoroughly and what I talked about on countless occasions. That was the only time that cedimos the pressure and the dictates of the record. Besides that, we have never thought about trade issues. We discs for our enjoyment and, incidentally, for the fans. "

You can not put a lion in a house, because although the domestic, it is a lion and a set of instincts. So do you think if you put a DREAM THEATER in a situation like you describe, despite the instincts remain the banda no longer DREAM THEATER?

"Totally. The day we have to meet someone that we might not be here this banda die. And we were very close in time, but we learned the lesson. So, after ten albums, we still do not change one iota. There are very few bands that, after ten years, remain in their guns. I will not say names, but you can look at the list and see that the whole world has changed in some time. For example ... no, will, I will not say names. It is difficult to find a band that, after ten albums, has not tried to please a record company and a public. "

AC / DC.

"Exactly. AC / DC and IRON MAIDEN are perhaps the only ones. "

Well, even took the time IRON MAIDEN commercial with "Seventh Son Of a Seventh Son".

"AC / DC have not changed their formula because they are commercial. AC / DC are not a banda underground. Any school kid knows who the hell is AC / DC. Already in the mainstream, but despite being in it has remained authentic, they have always done. We do what we do and I do not think we change the approach. Maybe change the shape of each disk, or perhaps do more short subjects in the future ... although we have made short subjects end up being the least favorite of our fans. "

How can Mike Portnoy, control freak of prog metal, get away with it when dealing with a record label?

"With the label or the band?"

With the seal. What would you recommend someone to deal with a label? That attitude is if the seal, for example, rejects any item on the disc?

"In fact, the only discussions that remain today with the label have nothing to do with the songs. DREAM THEATER are free to make their records and no one is allowed entry into the study while we are working. Nobody in the record, none of our management, our legal department to anyone ... anyone. We discs with complete independence. When six months had already been preparing this record began to receive calls and emails asking the record company come to the studio to hear what they were doing. Never answered, I spent quite of them (laughs). "

"With respect to the disk, no one has anything to say about it. Regard to how they sell and promote the album there ... if I have many conversations with the seal. That is something that depends on experience. In the early days, the previous record leaves us no say in the matter because we did not have a wealth of experience and precedents that justify our decisions. A label is interested in selling records and making money. I do not think anyone has control over his first couple of discs. First you have to try art and commercially, and then you can expect. "

"When we show you the album ... well, rather, when we threaten to break the record with our imminent unless we are left to work alone, we recoil and allows us to do what we had to do with our record. When did "Scenes From a Memory" that I had to try funcionábamos. We said 'OK, do this record without our opinion "and it worked. If that disk has not worked or not ... that would have liked would have been the end. Would have broken the contract. But the disc sold, the fans loved the album and realized that we knew what we were doing. Since then, our career has continued to develop and grow. This growth sends a clear message to the label. When we signed with Roadrunner Records, they thought "look, this band has 20 years of racing, has an audience that speaks for itself, we must respect that, we just help them grow more."

Well, I can understand both points of view. Both the record you want to recover the money invested as the artistic freedom he wants banda. The label ultimately only wants to sell units.

"That was the mentality of our previous album. When we left in peace to 'Scenes From a Memory "," Octavarium "," Train Of Thought "and" Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence ", was fantastic. But is that once these discs did nothing. Were based on our fans, the fans that already existed. We had to turn a whole year to promote the album ourselves. The difference is that with Roadrunner ... to admit the fact that it is sitting here with you is a sign that work differently. That is a promotional tour of ten days means that the label is doing its job. Are selling to the banda, closing interviews, bringing the product to stores in various formats. If I have an idea for a box or a set of three discs, come true. That is something that our former label would never have done. That is the difference between then and now. How does that with a label? You must first prove that vouchers.

In the four or five years before the chips Roadrunner only did telephone interviews with you. Now he interviewed during the trip or flight to Amsterdam to interview you, like today. That did not happen before. Roadrunner may not have the power of a multinational, but it's the closest thing there is a multinational exclusively dedicated to metal.

"Believe me, we have a multinational state in over seven discs and am left with Roadrunner in all areas. Care about their artists worry that everything works. Whether we or Opeth, Megadeth and all the artists on your list. Care for all. In our previous label had not any kind of interest. We were simply a name on a list. Sell an amount "x" and this disc will generate money, that is all.

As a music lover, who you are, what you think about the unstoppable decline of the music industry?

"It's interesting. On one side is burnt musician who lives within me, the musician who has seen seven albums and many years of hell with a multinational record company has taken advantage of us. That part of me gives thanks to God for what is happening. The labels carry a fucking artist for forty years, so it's great that artists can regain control and have music in their hands. I have no pity nor sympathy for the record companies are falling. Having said that, there are labels such as Roadrunner or INSIDEOUT worry that if that. What Roadrunner bands at the metal, it does INSIDEOUT by progressive bands. Seals are working well and I know what bad is happening to them. Moreover, this is a great time for consumers, because the labels are struggling to make special editions, 5.1 mixes, and other boxes. The consumer who wants to buy CDs is getting very interesting products. "

In fact, you can buy any disc classic today for only six euros at any supermarket. After so many years listening to that it was impossible to reduce the price of the discs ...

"What next, the next level I'd like to climb (and I know that I think about stamp) is ... disc before editing it, I had a conference with all the executives of Roadrunner. I was, John Petrucci and our manager. I proposed an idea, before releasing the disc, and I wanted to edit the disk immediately. Return the disk and edit it immediately. Nothing to wait three months to publish the record. The idea was to put the disc into service immediately as a download fee, something like what they did but RADIOHEAD charging a fixed price as that charged in a store. That way the fans do not have to wait three months, thus also avoiding the leakage of the disk over the internet ... seal still time to prepare for promotion, because the disc is physically edit it later. The disc can be placed in stores in June, but selling through the Internet much sooner. When you can store and buy the special edition, vinyl and all that, but for the moment, the disc, the songs are now available online. I think it's a brilliant idea and what is happening until a few months or years ... is inevitable. Unfortunately, the label considered it too risky to do that now, because jodería to physical stores, especially at a time when we cling to it as physical releases. Place the disc on the internet immediately kills the opportunity for physical stores. The label rejected the idea, but ended up happening. "

The way we did was great RADIOHEAD. Edited the album online, sold lots of copies, and then published in physical format, selling another lot. You can collect 7 or 8 euros per disk on the internet ...

"That charge what they charge for the same physical disk, but it immediately made available."

Sure, that way, even the true fans will spend the money twice: on the download and later on the disc as a limited edition.

"Exactly. I think it's a good idea. The industry is desperate now and are afraid to do things that affect them in the future. However, it will end soon. There's nothing more you want to put the disc into the hands of the fans now. I hate this waiting for three months. "

Is this album has leaked already?

"Yes, two songs, because a radio station put on the air."

It is assumed that the disks are protected by promotional water mark, no?

"Exactly. But if the station makes the disc, just have someone write what they emit and hang it on the internet. Frustrates me about the leaks. Keep in mind that we spend too much time preparing the record, presentation, booklet with lyrics, credits ... all this is the first impression. We want the disc is present as we want, not through comments on a blog. That's what makes me crazy. I understand that people exchange and download, nothing happens, the fans actually buy the album. What bothers me is that the first impression that someone can take the disc is a low quality mp3 heard out of context. "

I guess it must be frustrating to spend months in the studio to end up being a folder on the computer of someone right next to the folder "Porno" in the "Downloads" on your hard disk. Going back to what I said before, the band has a very secret way of preparing the records, without letting anyone pass through the external study. Also, John Petrucci and you always are the producers. You really are so sure of what you are doing when andáis involved in the study? You never need a third person shouting their opinions to get things right?

"No, because we have enough cooks in the kitchen. People often wonder why we do not use an outside producer. The truth is that when I deliver what course I want to hear people's reactions. But not while we are doing. Nobody knows better as to be a disc of the band that John and myself. The manner in which the five work together is exceptional and the whole world knows the process. An outside opinion ruin the process. If we were composing subjects with BON JOVI in five minutes, if it would be cool to get someone in the studio saying, 'Yes, nenes, this is how it must be done'. But we are composing themes of progressive metal quarter of an hour. Who come to study what is going to do? ¿Tell us that a cut? Love or hate what we do is sincere. There are enough creative people in this band so as not to require another person to broadcast their ideas. We are very sure of ourselves. We are very focused and productive. We have been doing this a few years and we have an idea of what we want. "

מחבר:  טל רודס [ ו' מאי 22, 2009 11:48 am ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

pugi כתב:
YtseJam כתב:
הוא כן הזכיר את ישראל בראיון הוידאו.

והוא גם נישל את טל מתפקידו כשגריר הפרוגרסיב. הוא הכריז על עצמו כיורש (בחלק שהוא מדבר על פרוגרסיב ניישן), מעניין אם המהלך הזה היה מתואם עם ג'ורדן או שזהו מהלך חד צדדי... :P

חחח פוגי, קרעת אותי :haha:

מחבר:  YtseJam [ ו' מאי 22, 2009 2:41 pm ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

מייק בראיון לקראת ההופעה בפסטיבל Download

החל מדקה 2:46 עד 6:30.
סוף סוף שומעים את סיפור הזקן המלא. :haha:

מחבר:  Black Rose Immortal [ ו' מאי 22, 2009 5:57 pm ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

או שזאת אישה ממש קטנה, או שמייק הוא מפלצתי במימדיו ואף פעם לא שמתי לב לזה :shock:

מחבר:  YtseJam [ ו' מאי 22, 2009 6:01 pm ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

פורטנוי הוא דווקא הקטן בחבורה, אז הבחורה הזו דיי קטנה. :)

מחבר:  Black Rose Immortal [ ו' מאי 22, 2009 6:02 pm ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

YtseJam כתב:
פורטנוי הוא דווקא הקטן בחבורה, אז הבחורה הזו דיי קטנה. :)

זה לא פטרוצ'י הגמד עם נעלי הפלטפורמה :haha: ?

מחבר:  YtseJam [ ש' מאי 30, 2009 10:27 am ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

מייק חוזר לתוכנית הרדיו של אדי טרנק

מחבר:  yyzboy1928 [ ש' מאי 30, 2009 10:32 am ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

או, תמיד נחמד לשמוע את פורטנוי בהגיות חוכמתו בתכנית של אדי טרנק

מחבר:  YtseJam [ א' מאי 31, 2009 5:24 am ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה עם פורטנוי (חלק קצר ממנו, לא יודע איפה המלא...)

ב-19 ביוני הלהקה תתארח בתוכנית הרדיו של ברוס דיקנסון.

מחבר:  YtseJam [ ד' יוני 03, 2009 5:20 am ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

ראיון עם רודס
Just one month before the release of ‘Black Clouds & Silver Linings’, how do you think the album will be received by the fans?

Well I’m really happy with this album. We put a lot a lot of energy into it, everything went very smooth on all levels, it has a great balance of the various elements in Dream Theater as a band and sound. Sometimes there’s a sort of leaning toward a certain style, this was a rounded experience. I’m proud of the group, what we did together. We tried some new things, like in the middle of ‘The Count Of Tuscany’ where everything kind of breaks down. It’s very open, spacey and organic and I think that we are in a very comfortable place musically. The music seems to happen by itself, a strong point for us as musicians. The fans are very much appreciating the album so far. One thing about a Dream Theater fan is that some like the more metal side of the band or they love the prog side more and it sometimes feels like a war between them. I would love it when both of these fan groups can enjoy it together. This album put the pieces together for them I think.

I understand what your saying here, I am familiar with Dream Theater from the very first album (bought right out of the shipping box at the record store in fact) and how the band sounds on the new album is exactly how I like it; both metal ánd prog. That’s why I gave it the maximum score of 100 points.

Wow, then you’re more familiar with the band than me, hahaha. That’s great to hear, that’s a lot points! This time we went back to the same studio like last time, worked with the same engineer so the situation was very familiar to us. It was a very comfortable environment and we wanted to have that comfort point again. Also technically, with all the gear we have and use. To go into a new place with all that stuff it’s always of going uphill. So we started on good footing and not because we are lazy, the opposite happened, we knew our way around and were able to start work right away. That felt really great. And then it all it kind of happened naturally and everything started to flow… and that helped the album a lot.

The first song on the album, ‘A Nightmare To Remember’…when I first heard it I was going nuts…what a crazy song! How did you do this?

Yeah it is a crazy song with all those different things happening. We wanted to create something dark. The working title for that song was ‘Halloween’ as we were looking for that dark feeling and I brought in all my Mellotron sounds and scary voices. From my own perspective, I was able to use a new instrument called Omnisphere from a company called Spectrasonic and one of the sounds I used is ‘Burning Piano’. I got the programming of the instrument even before it was released, which sometimes happen that way when you are in that business. It actually has the sound of a piano burning; they set it on fire and were able to record the sounds. You can go online and see pictures, look for it on line on Google. Really awesome. The process of songwriting in Dream Theater is different sometimes, we started that song with those dark cord changes. We kind of bounce off of each other which makes us laugh sometimes. For this song it took us some time to find the right dark chords to develop it. We then found the melody that went against it, then we merged all the riffs together which was a hell of job, but it worked out great!

[I remember an interview I did with Mike Portnoy two years ago in Amsterdam, he was about to send you ‘the list’. All the songs he wanted you to learn for the upcoming tour. Is that list in for this tour already?

Oh yeah, totally! The feeling of waiting for that list is the same every two years. I’m going (dramatic voice) “oh my God there’s so much I’m going have to learn, what’s it’s going to be this time?” And when I get that e-mail with the repertoire I háve to open this. For me it’s more work that anybody. I program all the new songs anyway and then I tend to go back on the old songs to see what I can do improve. Right now I’m working on ‘Pull Me Under’ for instance. I realized when I made those sounds I did them rather quickly, I never had the chance on the road to refine them, making them better. Adding an echo to a side that didn’t have it before, such things.

’The Best Of Times’ on the new album is about Howard Portnoy, Mike’s dad who passed away during the recording of the album, how did the band cope with that and how did the song came about?

Well the words to a song always come last with us. When we wrote the song it was just the music first. One morning I was laying in the studio when the others came in and it was a Genesis flavored piece I was playing. We started to bounce it around and that song became my first favorite because it has that melodic feel, epical. And then it eventually became this very personal song to Mike. I don’t know if we’ll ever play that on stage because it means so much to him.

מחבר:  YtseJam [ ו' יוני 05, 2009 4:16 am ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

Metal Insider

מחבר:  YtseJam [ ו' יוני 05, 2009 5:02 pm ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

FaceCulture בראיון וידאו בן 6 חלקים עם פורטנוי.

מהטובים יותר שהיו.

מחבר:  ilai fields #7 [ ו' יוני 05, 2009 7:59 pm ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

הבנאדם מטורף!!!
כמה ראיונות יש לו בשבוע?!

מחבר:  Dead [ ו' יוני 05, 2009 8:34 pm ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

ראיון נהדר. ארוך, מעמיק, לא משעמם.

מחבר:  NamelessATM [ ו' יוני 05, 2009 8:56 pm ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

ilai fields #7 כתב:
הבנאדם מטורף!!!
כמה ראיונות יש לו בשבוע?!

הוא עשה את כל הראיונות האלה באפריל במשך שבועיים , ופשוט הם מתחילים להתפרסם לאט לאט כשתאריך יציאת האלבום מתקרב.

מחבר:  Ozerivarium [ ש' יוני 06, 2009 6:37 pm ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

אני מניח שלאחר הוצאת האלבום החדש יש להם הרבה על מה לענות - וביותר מדי פעמים . זה החסרון בלהיות מפורסם ..

מחבר:  yakim [ א' יוני 07, 2009 6:38 am ]
נושא ההודעה:  Re: אשכול ראיונות עם הלהקה

באמת ראיון מצויין ולא בנאלי

למרות שהמראיין קצת הוציא אותי מדעתי :knockedout:

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